CES Ontario Annual General Meeting Announcement
The Board of Directors of the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) – Ontario Chapter hereby gives notice that the 21th Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held:
Date: Thursday, June 22th 2017
Time: 9:00 am- noon
Location: Oakham House, 63 Gould St, Toronto, ON M5B 1E9
Why Attend the AGM?
The AGM is a great opportunity to:
- Network with Chapter members,
- Elect new board members and approve any bylaw changes,
- Learn more about the closing year activities,
- Hear about plans for the upcoming year, and
- Receive and review the Financial Statements of the CES– Ontario Chapter for the 2016 fiscal year, and the auditors’ report thereon.
Nominations are now closed and a Slate of Nominees will be vetted and presented to members at the AGM. Please review the nominations process here.
Learning Event
Part of the AGM, the learning event will take place from 10:30 AM to noon, and is open to all members of CES Ontario and the general public. This year the theme is Evaluation in the Now: Important Current Practices, and will feature two 45-minute presentations from Dr. Paul Favaro and Sally Landon. Each presentation will feature a lecture as well as an interactive component and Q&A segment.
Performance Measurement: From Theory to Practice (Dr. Paul Favaro) will provide an
overview of the theory, concepts, and practical steps in the development of a performance measurement framework for your program in order to adopt best practices in the field.
The Privacy Mystery Revealed (Sally Landon) introduces best practices for evaluators, whether emergent or very experienced, to know about and implement related to privacy information management.
Please register for the 2017 AGM + Learning Event here!
Proxy Voting
If you’re unable to attend the 2017 AGM + Learning Event but would still like to make your voice as a member heard, please consider designating a proxy. A proxy allows a member in attendance to speak and vote on your behalf. If you are interested in designating a proxy, please complete our Proxy Form by June 20, 2017.