Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Techniques for Qualitative Data

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Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Techniques for Qualitative Data
Facilitators: Simon Roy & Pascale Latulippe

This intermediate level workshop introduces techniques for analysing qualitative data such as interview results. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to conduct these types of analyses in a clear and systematic manner. The workshop will review the main techniques using MS Excel. A general overview of computer-assisted qualitative analysis software will also be presented. Key techniques will be presented step-by-step, using a real-life case study. An Excel file workbook will be provided so that workshop registrants can apply the techniques discussed directly. Among other things, best practice in quantifying data using percentages and proportions will be discussed, as will the pros and cons of quantifying qualitative data.

Learning outcomes:

Apply qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques for qualitative data, understand the pros and cons of quantifying qualitative data

In addition, this workshop aims to strengthen capacities in line with the following Competencies for Canadian Evaluation Practice:


  • 2.8 Collects, analyzes and interprets data using appropriate methods.
  • 2.9 Uses findings to answer evaluation questions and, where appropriate, to develop recommendations


  • 1.1  Knows evaluation theories, models, methods and tools and stays informed about new thinking and best practices.
  • 1.7 Uses self-awareness and reflective thinking to continually improve practice

About the Facilitators:

Simon Roy, PhD, CE – Simon is a GGI Senior Associate and has over 28 years of program evaluation experience. Simon has a PhD in Sociology (University Paris -Nanterre) and is a Credentialed Evaluator. Since 2001, Simon has facilitated multiple intermediate level and advanced level workshops for the Canadian Evaluation Society, at national conferences and for many chapters. He has also designed courses for the CES, including the current version of the online survey course; he delivered this course multiple times. Most recently he delivered a half-day workshop at the CES Conference in Quebec City on qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyzing qualitative data. He is also part-time professor at Ottawa University and l’École nationale d’administration publique, where he teaches program evaluation and performance measurement at the graduate level on a regular basis. Simon is also a published author. He recently published a book chapter on the professionalization of evaluation (with B. Gauthier).

Pascale Latulippe, MA – Pascale is a Senior Consultant at GGI with more than 5 years of experience working in program evaluation. Pascale has a Graduate Diploma in Program Evaluation (University of Ottawa), a Master’s degree in International Development (University of Queensland), and, a Bachelor degree in Peace & Conflict Studies (University of Toronto). Pascale has co-facilitated a number of workshops including this half day workshop at a Canadian Evaluation Society Conference.
