2024-25 Essential Skills Series Course Information
Please check back often as we add more information!
Course Date
January 15 – March 24, 2024
August 19-22, 2024
January 6 – March 17, 2025
10 weeks
Four days
10 weeks
Downtown Toronto
Tina Sahay
Dr. Paul Favaro
Tina Sahay
Essential Skills Series: Online
This ten-week course, developed by the Canadian Evaluation Society, provides participants with foundational knowledge of the main models and practices associated with the profession of evaluation. Participants gain experience of the essential elements of program evaluation.
- Prior knowledge of evaluation and of social science research methods is not required.
- There are no examinations or coursework.
- Students are expected to complete 10 modules 1 per week independent of the instructor and 7 assignments and participate in the on-line discussion forum with facilitator and other learners.
- Participation in all 10 modules, completion of assignments and participation in on-line discussion forum entitles you to a Certificate of Completion from the Canadian Evaluation Society.
- The Certificate of Completion can be applied towards the application of the Credentialed Evaluator (CE) designation.
Registration includes course materials.
Download a PDF of the Essential Skills Series course description
Registration Cost: Online
CES Ontario members receive a discount on the general admission ticket prices for the Essential Skills Series. If you’re interested in becoming a CES Ontario member, please visit the Canadian Evaluation Society.
CES Member: $1199
Non-Member: $1299
Prices do not include HST or registration fees.

Essential Skills Series: In-Person
This 4-day course was developed by the Canadian Evaluation Society to provide participants with a basic understanding of the main models and practices associated with the profession of evaluation. Prior knowledge of evaluation and of social science research methods is not required. There are no examinations associated with the course, nor is there any homework. Participation in all 15 course modules entitles you to a Certificate of Completion from the Canadian Evaluation Society.
Participants will gain:
- Basic knowledge and skills,
- Appreciation for essential elements of evaluation,
- Capacity to apply acquired knowledge and skills, and
- Development as an evaluation professional.
Course Competencies
Participants will be able to describe in basic terms:
- the uses and benefits of evaluation
- common settings in which evaluation takes place
- where evaluations and performance monitoring fit in the program cycle
- underlying theories related to evaluation, and their implications
- the historical and technical context in which evaluation takes place
- the range of terminology used in evaluation
- causes of, and responses to, resistance
- potential misuses of evaluation
- cultural considerations in conducting evaluations
- ethical considerations with respect to evaluation
- evaluation standards
- evaluation as a profession
- the role of CES, including the CE system
- special applications of evaluation
- the relevance of, and processes associated with:
- identifying evaluation objectives
- identifying and engaging evaluation clients and stakeholders, and establishing roles
- develop a program profile
- creating evaluation questions and indicators
- common data collection methods
- creating an appropriate and valid evaluation design, including the selection of data collection methods
- collecting data, including performance monitoring
- data management
- assessing data quality
- data analysis, including cost effectiveness analysis
- determining evaluation scale and budget
- project management
- synthesis of evidence leading to the development of conclusions and recommendations
evaluation reporting and dissemination - Participants will also gain elementary experience in:
• creating logic models
• developing indicators
• question construction
• creating an evaluation matrix
• writing findings statements
• creating a reporting plan
Registration includes course materials.
Download a PDF of the Essential Skills Series course description
Registration Cost: In-Person
CES Ontario members receive a discount on the general admission ticket prices for the Essential Skills Series. If you’re interested in becoming a CES Ontario member, please visit the Canadian Evaluation Society.
CES Member: $1199
Non-Member: $1299
2024 Early Bird pricing until June 19! Use the code EARLYBIRD24 for $100 off registration price!
Prices do not include HST or registration fees.