CES Ontario is proud to partner with expert evaluators in presenting a wide variety of evaluation topics. For current Intermediate and Advanced Workshops and Courses, please check our Upcoming Workshops page, or navigate the dropdown menu under Professional Development.
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Course Information
Topic Description
Course Description
Credentialed Evaluator Competencies and Key Learnings
The Art and Science of Producing Effective Infographic
Facilitator: Dr. Sidiq (Sid) Ali
April 27, 2023
October 20, 2022
Online and in-person delivery from 2018-2022
We will orient infographics in the realm of data visualization, illustrating the different types of infographics. Then our focus will shift to the science of why we use infographics in communicating to our various audiences (clients and funders). We include design theory, calling on the works of data visualization experts Bernard Marr, Stephanie Evergreen, Garr Reynolds and Edward Tufte. The bulk of the time will be aimed at specific design elements of graphics, colour, and font, which provide the visual cues to our most important element: the data.
This is a fast-paced presentation that illustrative infographics best practices with real-world examples. The presentation covers the theory of infographics, colour usage, when different types of infographics should be used, and how to avoid common missteps. A thorough resources and Q+A document is provided to learners after the presentation.
2. Technical Practice: 2.8; 2.13; 2.16
3. Situational Practice: 3.5
4. Management Practice: 4.6
5. Interpersonal Practice: 5.1
Feminist Principles in MEAL
Facilitator: Dr. Anna Du Vent
April 12, 2023
September 29, 2021
Oxfam’s feminist approach challenges practitioners to think differently about evidence, push the boundaries on data collection, and question who gives meaning and power to knowledge. Through these, challenges, participants will engage in an iterative process of applying and reflecting the principles of the approach.
This workshop will guide participants through Oxfam Canada’s Seven Foundations to Feminist Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL), as well as discuss what MEAL can look like at different points along a ‘gender spectrum’ (i.e.: gender aware, gender responsive and gender transformative). Participants will engage with examples from current and past Oxfam Canada projects to consider the complexity inherent in undertaking feminist MEAL as well as practice planning for potential next steps in these projects.
1. Reflective Practice: 1.1; 1.7
2. Technical Practice: 2.8
3. Situational Practice: 3.2; 3.6
5. Interpersonal Practice: 5.5
Culturally Responsive Evaluation Training
Facilitators: Sofia Vitalis and Billie Joe Rogers
October 8 & 25, 2022
The Canadian Evaluation Society – Ontario Chapter has partnered with Reciprocal Consulting, Inc to offer a two-part online workshop for evaluators to support Culturally Responsive Evaluations through a Reconciliation lens. These sessions will focus on the need for culturally responsive evaluation, while challenging and disrupting status quo evaluations, and will re-orient evaluators to practice evaluation in a culturally responsive way.
Through interactive examples, this training will support transformative learning for working alongside Indigenous communities. The engaging live session allows for participants to have a catered experience where facilitators adapt the content based on the interests and knowledge levels of the learners. Furthermore, these online sessions will foster an open and facilitated space for discussion. Learners will have the opportunity to connect with others as they explore the different ways, they can strengthen their practice.
1. Reflective Practice: 1.4; 1.7
3. Situational Practice: 3.3; 3.4; 3.6; 3.7
Rapid Impact Evaluation
Facilitator: Andy Rowe
October 18-29, 2021
Rapid Impact Evaluation offers the ability to evaluate the impacts of a program using developmental and formative evaluation as well as summative. RIE triangulates perspectives of three separate groups of experts. Three methodologies that are central to RIE will provide learners with an understanding to apply RIE. RIE is a cost-efficient and quick approach to assessing impacts and does not intrude on design or implementation of the program.
Participants will have virtual hands-on interactive learning opportunities across multiple sessions that are comprised of three 3-hour learning modules and optional two 2-hour learning labs and one final session for questions and discussions about applications. The labs will offer the opportunity to applying the method using real-world cases using RIE methods learned in the modules.
Develop an understanding of principles of RIE and the methods specific to RIE and CE designation credentials.
Designing Interactive Dashboards
Facilitators: Shelley Engelman and Tom Withee
October 4-6, 2021
Creating dynamic dashboards in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets is a fantastic and cost-effective way to view important data with minimal construction time. This workshop takes you through all you need to know to design interactive dashboards from start to finish.
This skill-building workshop will demonstrate how to generate an interactive dashboard in 5 easy-to-learn steps: Pivot, Analyze, Rename, Chart, and Slice. Using sample survey data, you will learn how to a) use a Pivot table to analyze data, b) create a chart using PivotCharts, c) incorporate Slicers and d) create a professional looking dashboard that allows stakeholders to slice-and-dice the data in seconds. Additionally, we will share best practices in dashboard design to make your dashboards really pop! Finally, we will demonstrate how to incorporate inferential statistics (e.g., paired samples t-test) into your dashboards that will update as you slice-and-dice your data.
1. Reflective Practice: 1.2
2. Technical Practice: 2.8; 2.10
3. Situational Practice: 3.4
Principles-Focused Evalution
Facilitator: Paul Bakker
April 7, 2021
Principles help organizations adhere to values and beliefs, and helps them be effective; especially when dealing with complex issues. This workshop will enable participants to understand how and when using a principles-focused evaluation design will have the most impact.
The workshop will include the review of Michael Quinn-Patton’s GUIDE framework for assessing quality effectiveness principles as well as small group and practical application of what is learned by designing a plan to answer principles-focused evaluation questions.
Learn when to apply principles-focused evaluation methodology
Have a framework to help to assess/develop quality effectiveness principles.
Develop a principles-focused evaluation plan.
Evaluation By Design
Facilitator: Dr. Cameron Norman
March 22, 2021
A design-driven approach to evaluation is one that brings insights from service design into the practice of evaluation by integrating creativity, craft, and empathy with data-gathering, feedback, and sensemaking into the evaluator’s role. This approach, which brings together design thinking and evaluative thinking, explores ways to embed evaluation into a program’s development structure, particularly for those that are operating in domains of high complexity and need for innovation.
This workshop will introduce evaluators to the fundamentals of a design-driven approach to evaluation. It will orient evaluators to the role that design can play in shaping both the evaluation and the program itself and is suited for those interested in expanding their practice, working more closely with innovative or complex programs and for those interested in developmental evaluation. The workshop will introduce design theory and methods, involve interactive activities aimed at illustrating design thinking in practice in ways that can be used both in-person and at distance, and how evaluators can play a pivotal role in supporting product, program, and service innovation in new ways.
Fundamentals of design-informed evaluation.
Strategic Project Management for Evaluators
Facilitator: Alison Paprica
October 7, 2020
October 12, 2018
Bond Place Hotel, Toronto
April 6, 2017
Bond Place Hotel, Toronto
The sheer number of tools and processes in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) can make it challenging for evaluators to know which tools to apply, and when. This workshop provides theory and hands-on experience applying four PMBOK® derived light-touch project management tools that have been tailored for evaluation projects. All tools can be applied using the standard Microsoft Office suite of applications.
Participants will work with two case studies used to illustrate project management in practice, with time for participants to share their own learnings and experiences. The workshop concludes with a facilitated session using a modified version of the PMBOK® risk management processes to help participants identify, and begin to develop mitigation strategies for, the risks most likely to affect evaluation projects. The course will enhance participant knowledge and application of project management tools and processes that have been tailored for evaluators.
- Understanding the project management mindset of “define then deliver”
- Hands-on experience applying light-touch project management tools and processes; specifically:
- Work breakdown structure
- Deliverable-based Gantt chart schedule
- Deliverable-based budget
- Deliverable-based project tracking and reporting
Developmental Evaluation in Action: Facilitating Social Innovation in Real-Time
Facilitators: Dr. Keiko Kuji-Shikatani, Dr. Wendy Rowe, and Megan Borner
January 29-30, 2020
December 4-5, 2018
November 13, 15-16, 2017
The course is focused on how developmental evaluators track, document, and help interpret the nature and implications of innovations and adaptations as they unfold, and help extract lessons and insights from both processes and outcomes to inform the ongoing adaptive innovative process. (Patton, McKegg, & Wehipeihana, 2015).
Situational analysis and case studies will be used to authenticate the information being presented in order to equip evaluators with the practical application of DE within the complex, dynamic environments they may experience in their work. The course will consist of a webinar and in-person session. An optional one-hour group consultation is offered to those participants wishing to present and discuss questions or issues concerning implementation of DE they may have.
Fundamentals and application of Developmental Evaluation approach.
Key tools such as Theories of Change and Logic Models
Performance Measurement: From Theory to Practice
Facilitator: Dr. Paul Favaro
September 16-17, 2019
Oakham House, Ryerson University
The overall purpose of this two day intermediate to advanced level workshop is to focus on how performance measurement frameworks are built, their technical properties, and on how they add value to organizational decision-making. The challenges and limitations of developing performance measurement systems will also be emphasized. The workshop will present current approaches and research based practices in the performance measurement field. It is designed to bring your measures to life and to make performance measurement about transformation and not just about accountability.
The workshop format utilizes formal presentations, interactive exercises, discussions, small group activities, and case studies. Emphasis is placed on the relevance, utility, technical, and practical application of performance measurement. Participants will have an opportunity to apply the theory learned.
1. Reflective Practice: 1.1; 1.7
2. Technical Practice: 2.6; 2.7
3. Situational Practice: 3.4
4. Management Practice: 4.2
5. Interpersonal Practice: 5.4
Beyond Boxes – Black, Mystery and Magic – Understand and Use the Theory of Change for Your Programs
Facilitators: Jennifer Yessis and Kelly Skinner
March 9-10, 2017
Centre for Social Innovation – Regent Park, Toronto
Theory of Change describes the theory (or set of assumptions) that explain the steps that lead to the long-term goal of interest and the connections between program activities and outcomes.
This advanced two-day workshop will describe concepts related to theory of change, and apply the concepts discussed to enable participants to develop program theory including theory of change and action.